
Outrage as US rapper TI says he has daughter's hymen checked annually

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Rapper T.I. takes his young girl to the medical specialist annually to ascertain if her hymen is “still intact,” he aforesaid throughout a podcast discharged Tuesday.

T.I., whose real name is Clifford Joseph Harris boy., elaborate aspects of the examination whereas showing on the “Ladies Like Us” podcast with Nazanin Mandi and Nadia Moham. When the oral communication turned to parenting and “the sex speak,” the rapper invoked his 18-year-old daughter, Deyjah Harris, who he says just began her first year of college.

“Right after her birthday, we celebrate, then usually like the day after the party, she’s enjoying the gifts, I put a sticky note on the door: ‘Tomorrow. 9:30,’ ” he said.

Harris’s annual visits to the medical specialist to “check her hymen” began when her sixteenth birthday, he said. Some individuals believe that the hymen, a thin membrane located at the opening of the vagina, remains intact until a woman has sex. This false indicator of status has been debunked by health workers, and human rights organizations have called “virginity testing” both unnecessary and harmful for women.

Continuing his story, T.I. said his daughter’s doctor requires her to sign a waiver allowing him to see the results of her examination.

“So we’ll go and sit down and therefore the doctor can return and speak, and the doctor’s maintaining a high level of professionalism,” T.I. said. “He’s like, ‘Well you know, sir, I have to, to share information’ — I’m like, ‘Deyjah, they want you to sign this so we can share information. Is there something you'd not wish ME to know? See, Doc? Ain’t no problem.’ ”

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Under the insurance movability and answerableness Act, conjointly called HIPAA, a doctor might discuss a patient’s health standing or treatment “if the patient agrees, or once given the opportunity, does not object.”

The rapper indicated his daughter’s gynecologist also explained other ways a hymen can become stretched open, such as riding a bike, horseback riding or other physical activities.

“I say, ‘Look doc — she don’t ride no horses, she don’t ride no bikes, she don’t play no sports, man — just check the hymen, please, and give me back my results efficiently.” He added: “I will say, as of her 18th birthday, her hymen is still intact.”

Mandi and Moham laughed throughout the section, and at one purpose, one of the hosts quipped, “Somebody check on Deyjah, she’s a prisoner in her home.” T.I.’s remarks went viral Wednesday, as several expressed concern over the examination and dominant nature of his comments. He and Harris’s publicists didn't reply to emails from The Washington Post requesting comment, tho' BuzzFeed News discovered that Harris liked  many tweets Wed criticizing her father, one of that tagged the case “disgusting, possessive and dominant.”

Responding to the story on Twitter, California OB/GYN Jen Gunter said it was “horrible” and provided an in-depth explanation of why the hymen is not a valid way to gauge a woman’s virginity.
“The hymen isn't any status indicator, five hundredth of sexually active teens don't have a discontinuous hymen,” she wrote. “The hymen is often very flexible.”

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